Introduction to Illustrator’s 3D Realm
Apr 8, 2024 - May 8, 2024

Department of Product and Industrial Design, UET, Lahore. has arranged a Guest lecture on “Introduction to Illustrator’s 3D Realm.” The guest speaker, Ms. Maham Iqbal, is a Teaching Assistant at the National College of Arts. She shared her expertise in the field of 3D tools that are used in Adobe Illustrator in the market today. She taught students about material application and lighting effects in 3D objects that can enhance product features. Furthermore, she also guided them about the various applications of these tools in diverse product ranges. Students have shown keen interest in learning these techniques, so they can utilize them in their class tasks. The Chairman of Product & Industrial Design, Dr. Ing. Atif Bilal Aslam, Ms. Neyalish Aman, and the students are thankful to Ms. Maham Iqbal for sharing her knowledge and experience with us. We wish her the best of luck in her future career.



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